Happy Birthday mum x
In honour of St Anthony x
Happy Birthday my love. Loved forever x
5k challenge done by Malachi T-Q
With love always in memory of Kaye
Happy Father's Day. Missing you my Love x
A belated Christmas and Birthday present to you, my love. X
Another cold winter without you. I don't want a heating allowance from the government. Love you alwaysx
Remembering you with all my love, always. Xxx
A day to celebrate as Sakura marries Ben, we know you would be so proud , but we miss you as Daddy and Gigi at such a special time. Love always xxx
Remembering happy times in K70 LTC forever x
Missing you always and forever... xxx
We miss you Gigi. x
Our 3rd Christmas missing you Daddy/Gigi.... Sending all our love and lots of special Christmas wishes to you in heaven 💗 xxx ramfk&l xxx
Such a good cause and what an amazing acievement so far
With my happy memories and love forever, LTC x
Can't believe that 2 years have passed...love you and miss you Daddy/Gigi xxxxxx Reiko, Andy, Mal, Farfar, Kiko and Leo
We miss you and love you x
In memory of Jim, missed by many, especially dear Cabrini x
In memory of Roni, remembered with much love and gratitude
Thank you Steve
We missed your birthday and we miss you
Missing you and loving you on your birthday and always. Xxxxx
💗 Happy Birthday love from us all 💗 XXXXXX
My love, always x
A New Year, and we still miss you. xx
All our Christmas love to you Daddy/Gigi XXXXXX